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Запись #2 в дневнике пользователя Naatalo4ka

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+4   [22.05.2013 16:57] Naatalo4ka Рейтинг 0.00     Стена пользователя Naatalo4ka +40

Тема от пользователя Naatalo4ka 45

An important part of the foreign policy of Ukraine is expanding its participation in the activities of international organizations. Our government will continue to pursue an active policy of cooperation with the UN, which was and remains a guarantor of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of borders. That's why you need to continue to implement and expand Ukraine's participation in UN peacekeeping activities.

However, it should be noted that the international situation in Ukraine is very difficult because the complex is the development of contemporary international relations, the functioning of which is influenced by various, often mutually contradictory trends. An example of one of these trends was the collapse of multinational states like the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, which has led to radical changes in the geopolitical development not only in Europe and Asia but also around the world. This process of disintegration, as evidenced by development, is still far from complete.

Another trend is the integration of the world that dominates in Western Europe, North America, to a certain extent in the Asia-Pacific region, which consist of powerful "integration field" (European Union, NAFTA, ASEAN). Modern international community is actively shaped by powerful global economic conditions, the integration process, which covered almost all regions of the world.

Since its inception Ukraine found itself in the sphere of influence of these processes, riznonapryamlenyh international trends. For example, with the emergence of Ukrainian state is one of the results of the disintegration of the totalitarian system and one of the most important geopolitical shifts in post-war Europe. [20] Now Ukraine as an independent state solves many economic, political and social problems of development. However, our government can not ignore the world of global and regional integration processes can not try to influence their development in order to ensure their national interests. To this end, Ukraine expand its activities in the UN and OSCE co-operation with the EU and NATO.

Ukraine as an independent state, with great natural, economic, cultural and intellectual potential, can make a significant contribution to world civilization and international security.

Последний комментарий: 25.05.2013 02:59
Проголосовали: geto, Story, #2165007, #1216316
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  [22.05.2013 17:12] Sirius4 Рейтинг 0.00     Стена пользователя Sirius4 +233

для тех у кого глаза такие же как у меня ;) вот такие:blink:
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  [22.05.2013 17:12] #1370925

Сама такая :unsure:
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  [22.05.2013 17:15] Sirius4 Рейтинг 0.00     Стена пользователя Sirius4 +233

#1370925 пишет Сама такая :unsure:

Что там? читал?
мне просто лень в гугл транслите переводить
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  [22.05.2013 17:17] #1370925

Sirius4 пишет
#1370925 пишет Сама такая :unsure:

Что там? читал?
мне просто лень в гугл транслите переводить

Нет, тож лень.
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  [22.05.2013 17:27] #1303593

#1370925 пишет Нет, тож лень.

и мне :lol:
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  [22.05.2013 17:59] Sirius4 Рейтинг 0.00     Стена пользователя Sirius4 +233

Sirius4 пишет лень

#1370925 пишет лень.

#1303593 пишет и мне

Что же там все таки?:oops1:
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  [22.05.2013 18:10] #1370925

Sirius4 пишет :laugh:
Sirius4 пишет лень

#1370925 пишет лень.

#1303593 пишет и мне

Что же там все таки?

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  [22.05.2013 18:15] Sirius4 Рейтинг 0.00     Стена пользователя Sirius4 +233

#1370925 пишет kaneff

Спасибо, хоть узнал что там:lol::yes:
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  [22.05.2013 18:33] #1303593

Sirius4 пишет
#1370925 пишет kaneff

Спасибо, хоть узнал что там:lol::yes:

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  [22.05.2013 18:51] Sirius4 Рейтинг 0.00     Стена пользователя Sirius4 +233

#1303593 пишет
Sirius4 пишет
#1370925 пишет kaneff

Спасибо, хоть узнал что там:lol::yes:


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  [25.05.2013 02:59] Story Рейтинг 1543.63     Стена пользователя Story +567

Naatalo4ka пишет Ukraine as an independent state, with great natural, economic, cultural and intellectual potential, can make a significant contribution to world civilization and international security.

"Украина, как независимое государство, с большим природным, экономическим, культурным и интеллектуальным потенциалом, может внести значительный вклад в мировую цивилизацию и международной безопасности.", с такой гарной дивчиной и ее любовью к шифрованию по-английски-точно что нибудь Украина и внесет и понесет... :thumbsup:

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